What are my rights when the ship is delayed while under way on account of damage or failure or company’s responsibility?

You are entitled to:

- cancel voyage and be reimbursed with fare sum corresponding to the rest of the itinerary or

- continue voyage and receive 25% of the fare or following agreement receive other compensatory arrangements..when arrival in the destination port is delayed as follows

-1 hour for scheduled voyage duration up to 4 hours

-2 hours for scheduled voyage duration over 4 hours and up to 8 hours.

-3 hours for scheduled voyage duration over 8 hours and up to 24 hours       

- 6 hours for scheduled voyage duration over 24 hours

If delay time is double the above mentioned time you are entitled to be reimbursed 50% of the fare.

You can claim any of the rights above if you fill the relevant form issued by the company and sign it at the moment of announcement of voyage delay.